
The API is used to manage devices, interfaces and other objects used by the CNaaS NMS. All requests in the examples belove are using ‘curl’.

Show devices

A single device entry can be listed by device_id or hostname:

curl https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/9

This will return the entire device entry from the database:

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "devices": [
                "id": 9,
                "hostname": "eosdist",
                "site_id": null,
                "description": null,
                "management_ip": "",
                "dhcp_ip": null,
                "infra_ip": null,
                "oob_ip": null,
                "serial": null,
                "ztp_mac": "08002708a8be",
                "platform": "eos",
                "vendor": null,
                "model": null,
                "os_version": null,
                "synchronized": true,
                "state": "MANAGED",
                "device_type": "DIST",
                "confhash": null,
                "last_seen": "2019-02-27 10:30:23.338681",
                "port": null,
                "primary_group": "DEFAULT"

To list all devices the following API call can be used:

curl https://hostname/api/v1.0/devices

You can also do filtering, ordering and limiting of results from the devices API:

curl "https://hostname/api/v1.0/devices?filter[hostname][contains]=eos&filter[device.type]=dist&page=2&per_page=50&sort=-hostname"

This will filter the results like so:

  • Only devices that has a hostname that contains the string “eos” will be returned

  • Only devices that has type exactly matching “dist” will be returned

  • A maximum of 50 results will be returned (per_page=50)

  • The second page of results will be returned, since per_page is set to 50 this means items 51-100 (page=2)

  • The results will be ordered based on the column hostname, in descending order. “-” means descending, no prefix means ascending (sort=-hostname)

A HTTP header with the name X-Total-Count will show the unfiltered total number of devices in the database.

Add devices

A single device can be added by sending a REST call with a JSON strcuture describing the device as data. The JSON strcuture should have the following format:

  • hostname (mandatory)

  • site_id (optional)

  • site (optional)

  • description (optional)

  • management_ip (optional)

  • infra_ip (optional)

  • dhcp_ip (optional)

  • serial (optional)

  • ztp_mac (optional)

  • platform (mandatory)

  • vendor (optional)

  • model (optional)

  • os_version (optional)

  • synchronized (optional)

  • state (mandatory)

  • device_type (mandatory)

There are four mandatory fields that can not be left out: hostname, state, platform and device_type.

The field “primary_group” can not be configured via the API but is instead assigned via the groups.yml file in the settings repository.

Device state can be one of the following:

UNKNOWN:         Unhandled programming error
PRE_CONFIGURED:  Pre-populated, not seen yet
DHCP_BOOT:       Something booted via DHCP, unknown device
DISCOVERED:      Something booted with base config, temp ssh access for conf push
INIT:            Moving to management VLAN, applying base template
MANAGED:         Correct managament and accessible via conf push
MANAGED_NOIF:    Only base system template managed, no interfaces?
UNMANAGED:       Device no longer maintained by conf push

The mandatory field device_type can be:



  • DIST

  • CORE

If you specify a device_type of CORE or DIST but do not specify management_ip or infra_ip these will be selected automatically from the next available IP from the network specified in the settings repository.

Example CURL call:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d
'{"hostname":"foo", "state":"UNKNOWN", "device_type":"DIST", "platform": "eos"}'

Modify devices

An existing device can be modified, in that case the devices ID should be appended to the URL. The URL will then have the following format:


Where 10 is the device ID.

To modify a device, use the same JSON data as for adding new devices:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d
'{"state": "UNMANAGED", "device_type": "DIST"}'

Warning: changing of management_ip or infra_ip can result in unreachable devices that is not recoverable via API! Changing of hostname is possible but a resync of all neighbor devices will be needed.

Remove devices

To remove a device, pass the device ID in a DELTE call:

curl -X DELETE https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/10

There is also the option to factory default and reboot the device when removing it. This can be done like this:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d
'{"factory_default": true}' https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/10

Preview config

To preview what config would be generated for a device without actually touching the device use generate_config:

curl https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/<device_hostname>/generate_config

This will return both the generated configuration based on the template for this device type, and also a list of available vaiables that could be used in the template.

View previous config

You can also view previous versions of the configuration for a device. All previous configurations are saved in the job database and can be found using either a specific Job ID (using job_id=), a number of steps to walk backward to find a previous configuration (previous=), or using a date to find the last configuration applied to the device before that date.

curl "https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/<device_hostname>/previous_config?before=2020-04-07T12:03:05"

curl "https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/<device_hostname>/previous_config?previous=1"

curl "https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/<device_hostname>/previous_config?job_id=12"

If you want to restore a device to a previous configuration you can send a POST:

curl "https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/<device_hostname>/previous_config" -X POST -d '{"job_id": 12, "dry_run": true}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

When sending a POST you must specify an exact job_id to restore. The job must have finished with a successful status for the specified device. The device will change to UNMANAGED state since it’s no longer in sync with current templates and settings.

Apply static config

You can also test a static configuration specified in the API call directly instead of generating the configuration via templates and settings. This can be useful when developing new templates (see tool) when you don’t wish to do the commit/push/refresh/sync workflow for every iteration. By default only dry_run are allowed, but you can configure api.yml to allow apply config live run as well.

curl "https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/<device_hostname>/apply_config" -X POST -d '{"full_config": "hostname eosdist1\n...", "dry_run": True}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

This will schedule a job to send the configuration to the device.

Initialize check

Before initializing a new device you can run a pre-check API call. This will perform some basic device state checks and check that compatible LLDP neighbors are found. For access devices it will try and find a compatible mgmtdomain and for core/dist devices it will check that interfaces facing neighbors are set to the correct ifclass. It is possible that the init will fail even if the initcheck passed.

To test if a device is compatible for DIST ZTP run:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_initcheck/45 -d '{"hostname": "dist3", "device_type": "DIST"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Example output:

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "linknets": [
                "description": null,
                "device_a_hostname": "dist3",
                "device_a_ip": "",
                "device_a_port": "Ethernet3",
                "device_b_hostname": "core1",
                "device_b_ip": "",
                "device_b_port": "Ethernet3",
                "ipv4_network": "",
                "site_id": null
        "linknets_compatible": true,
        "neighbors_compatible": false,
        "neighbors_error": "Not enough linknets (1 of 2) were detected",
        "parsed_args": {
            "device_id": 2,
            "new_hostname": "dist3",
            "device_type": "DIST",
            "neighbors": null
        "compatible": false

Status success in this case means all checks were able to complete, but if you check the “compatible” key it says false which means this device is actually not compatible for DIST ZTP at the moment. We did find a compatible linknet, but there were not enough neighboring devices of the correct device type found. If you want to perform some non-standard configuration like trying ZTP with just one neighbor you can manually specify what neighbors you expect to see instead (“neighbors”: [“core1”]). Other arguments that can be passed to device_init should also be valid here, like “mlag_peer_id” and “mlag_peer_hostname” for access MLAG pairs.

If the checks can not be performed at all, like when the device is not found or an invalid device type is specified the API call will return a 400 or 500 error instead.

Initialize device

For a more detailed explanation see documentation under Howto Zero-touch provisioning of access switch.

To initialize a single ACCESS type device:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_init/45 -d '{"hostname": "ex2300-top", "device_type": "ACCESS"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

The device must be in state DISCOVERED to start initialization. The device must be able to detect compatible uplink devices via LLDP for initialization to finish.

To initialize a pair of ACCESS devices as an MLAG pair:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_init/45 -d '{"hostname": "a1", "device_type": "ACCESS", "mlag_peer_id": 46, "mlag_peer_hostname": "a2"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

For MLAG pairs the devices must be able to dectect it’s peer via LLDP neighbors and compatible uplink devices for initialization to finish.

Update facts

To update the facts about a device (serial number, vendor, model and OS version) use this API call:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_update_facts -d '{"hostname": "eosdist1"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

This will schedule a job to log in to the device, get the facts and update the database. You can perform this action on both MANAGED and UNMANAGED devices. UNMANAGED devices might not be reachable so this could be a good test-call before moving the device back to the MANAGED state.

Update interfaces

To update the list of available interfaces on an ACCESS device use this API call:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_update_interfaces -d '{"hostname": "eosaccess"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

This will schedule a job to log in to the device and get a list of physical interfaces and put them in the interface database. Existing interfaces will not be changed unless you specify “replace”: true. Interfaces that no longer exists on the device will be deleted from the interface database, except for UPLINK and MLAG_PEER ports which will not be deleted automatically. If you specify “delete_all”: true then all interfaces will be removed, including UPLINK and MLAG_PEER ports (dangerous!). If you want to re-populate MLAG_PEER ports you have to specify the argument “mlag_peer_hostname” to indicate what peer device you expect to see.

Renew certificates

To manually request installation/renewal of a new device certificate use the device_cert API:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_cert -d '{"hostname": "eosdist1", "action": "RENEW"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

This will schedule a job to generate a new key and certificate for the specified device(s) and copy them to the device(s). The certificate will be signed by the NMS CA (specified in api.yml).

Either one of “hostname” or “group” arguments must be specified. The “action” argument must be specified and the only valid action for now is “RENEW”.

Show stackmembers

Stackmembers for a device can be listed with the following API call:

curl https://hostname/api/v1.0/device/<device_hostname>/stackmember

This will return all stackmember entries from the database that are tied to the specified device. Example output:

    "status": "success",
    "data": {
        "stackmembers": [
               "member_no": 1,
               "hardware_id": "4AE008A",
               "priority": 55,
               "member_no": 2,
               "hardware_id": "B77C34F",
               "priority": 125,

Set stackmembers

Stackmembers for a device can be set using a PUT operation. This replaces any existing stackmembers.

The JSON structure for the API call is a list of data defining the stackmembers under the key “stackmembers”. Each stackmember has three fields available:

  • member_no (optional)

  • hardware_id (mandatory)

  • priority (optional)

member_no and hardware_id must be unique for each stackmember in the same device.

Example for defining two stackmembers:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d
'{"stackmembers": [{"member_no": 1,"hardware_id": "4AE008A","priority": 55}, {"member_no": 2, "hardware_id": "B77C34F", "priority": 125}]}'