
This API can be used to retrevie information about repositorys and also to update them.

It supports GET and PUT.

Get repository information

To get information about the last change to a repository we can use CURL:

curl -X GET http://hostname/api/v1.0/repository/settings

This will return information about who did the last commit to this repository:

 "status": "success",
 "data": "Commit cdf978245c3782ec391ffa2bda3ca540577ad36f master by Kristofer Hallin at 2019-06-13 10:07:32+02:00\n"

Refresh repository

To refresh the contents of a repository we can use a PUT request. CNaaS will then update the corresponding Git repository.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://hostname/api/v1.0/repository/settings -d '{"action": "REFRESH"}'

We should then get a response back stating the last commit that was done:

 "status": "success",
 "data": "Commit cdf978245c3782ec391ffa2bda3ca540577ad36f master by Kristofer Hallin at 2019-06-13 10:07:32+02:00\n"