
Update settings for devices

Clone your settings repository in to a local directory. In this example we will use the CNaaS provided example setting repository from github:

git clone
cd cnaas-nms-settings
vim access/base_system.yml
<do some changes, save file>
git commit -a -m "Updated setting for XYZ for access devices"
git push

Tell the NMS API to fetch latest updates from the settings repo and try a sync to devices with dry_run to preview changes:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/repository/settings -d '{"action": "refresh"}' -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json"
curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_syncto -d '{"hostname": "ex2300-top", "dry_run": true}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/jobs?per_page=1&sort=-id

The API call to device_syncto will start a job running in the background on the API server. To show the progress/output of the job run the last command (/job) until you get a finished result.

Zero-touch provisioning of access switch

Power on the switch with a blank configuration and wait for it to boot, during boot with a blank configuration it should ask for a DHCP on the native/untagged VLAN. This DHCP request should then be forwarded to the server running the CNaaS-NMS dhcpd container. The DHCP server will offer a lease to known vendor devices and in the DHCP offer give them a path for a configuration file to download. After the DHCP lease has been accepted the DHCP server will also trigger the creation of a new device in the CNaaS-NMS database which will save information on what MAC address the DHCP request was sent from, what IP address was offered to the device, and set the state of the device to DHCP_BOOT. The device should then download the configuration file specified from the DHCP server, this configuration adds a dummy user account that will be used to further configure the device. It will also ask the device to continue using DHCP to aquire an IP address. When the device applies this new configuration a new DHCP request will be sent to the DHCP server, and the DHCP server will at that point trigger the CNaaS-NMS API to schedule a job to scan or “discover” the new device. If the API can successfully reach the device it’s serial number and other data will be saved into the database and the state of the device will be updated to “DISCOVERED”. Now an operator can choose to continue to provision the device.

List new devices that has booted using ZTP and reached the DISCOVERED state:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/devices?filter[state]=DISCOVERED

Example output:

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "devices": [
        "id": 45,
        "hostname": "mac-B8C253EA5D52",
        "site_id": null,
        "description": null,
        "management_ip": null,
        "dhcp_ip": "",
        "infra_ip": null,
        "oob_ip": null,
        "serial": "JW0218490737",
        "ztp_mac": "B8C253EA5D52",
        "platform": "junos",
        "vendor": "Juniper",
        "model": "EX2300-48P",
        "os_version": "18.4R1-S2.4",
        "synchronized": false,
        "state": "DISCOVERED",
        "device_type": "UNKNOWN",
        "confhash": null,
        "last_seen": "2019-09-20 10:33:44.265137",
        "port": null

If the device serial/MAC matches with a device you want to provision, call the API to initialize the device with a specified hostname and device type:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/device_init/45 -d '{"hostname": "ex2300-top", "device_type": "ACCESS"}' -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Check job status to see progress, there should be two jobs running after each other, step1 and step2:

curl https://localhost/api/v1.0/jobs?per_page=1&sort=-id

The first job will send a new base configuration to the device, this will move the device management to a tagged VLAN and set a static IP address amongst other things. The device will now move to state INIT. After this change the TCP connection to the device will get disconnected (since the IP was changed), this is expected. A new job (step2) will be scheduled to run one minute later, this step2 job will try to log in to the device using the new IP address and verify that the device accepted the new configuration. If everything looks OK the device will move to the state MANAGED. If you have any plugins registered they will execute the “new_managed_device” hook that can be used to add the device to monitoring systems etc at this point.

To debug this process it can be helpful to tail the logs from the DHCPd container at the initial steps of the process, and also logs from the API container at later stages of the process. If the device gets stuck in the DHCP_BOOT process for example, it probably means the API can not log in to the device using the credentials and IP address saved in the database. The API will retry connecting to the device 5 times with increasing delay between each attempt. If you want to trigger more retries at a later point you can manually call the discover_device API call and send the MAC and DHCP IP of the device.